Nutrition and Hospitality Management
School of Applied Sciences, University of Mississippi

Welcome to the UM Nutrition Clinic

Welcome to the University of Mississippi s Nutrition Clinic. You have taken the first step in caring about your health, and the UM Nutrition Clinic is the place to help you meet your nutrition-related goals. The UM Nutrition Clinic has a vast array of up-to-date knowledge and technology ready to be shared with you.

Whatever your nutritional need, our registered dietitians will help you develop a plan for a healthy lifestyle that’s right for you.

To contact the UM Nutrition Clinic:
UM Nutrition Clinic
South Oxford Center, Suite NW 1350
University, MS 38677
662-915-UMNC (8662), 662-915-8663 (Fax)

The GPS address is 2301 S. Lamar Blvd.

Stay connected with the UM Nutrition Clinic by following us on twitter (@UMNutriClinic)